Product Details

Copper Paste Lubricants OKS-220

SKU: Category: Industrial Oil and Grease

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Assembly paste with very high MoS₂ contents for pressing and moulding processes as well as run-in lubrication of highly loaded sliding surfaces.

Assembly paste for press-fitting wheels, shafts, tires or bearings

  • Non-stick primer coat for moving threads, guides and slideways to prevent stick-slip effect, seizing and wear
  • Wearing-in lubrication of highly stressed sliding surfaces such as plain bearings, gearwheels, crankshafts with provision of anti-seizing properties
  • Suitable for non-cutting shaping of the difficult type, such as doming, pressing, embossing while avoiding critical metal contacts and welding

Advantages and benefits

  • Immediate effective protection against corrosion, wear and stick-slipping under high stress conditions
  • No pressing onto the sliding surface required
  • Highly effective due to the strong affinity of the MoS₂ for metals
  • Extremely low friction at highest loading capability
  • Increased operational reliability of moving parts due to anti-seizing properties
  • Improved performance due to organic molybdenum complex compounds
  • Also available as spray version OKS 221

Technical specifications

  • Lower operating temperature: -35 °C
  • Upper operating temperature: 450 °C (separation)
  • Press-fit test (μ): 0,05, no chatter
  • Four-ball test rig welding load: 4,200 N


For optimum adhesion, clean contamination and other lubricants from sliding surfaces. Best way is to clean mechanically first (for example, with a wire brush) and then with OKS 2610/OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Apply OKS 220 thinly and evenly with a brush or spatula. Spray OKS 221 on evenly. Remove excesses. Do not use paste instead of grease and mix only with suitable lubricants.

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