Fuel Doctor Conditioner For Petrol, Diesel & 2 Stroke Engine 5lt
Formulated to dissolve, disperse and prevent the accumulation of gum, wax, varnish, condensation and fuel bugs from all petrol’s, diesel and two stroke Engine.
Fuel Doctor breaks fuel contaminants into sub-micron particles allowing them to pass safely and harmlessly through the fuel system to combustion, with no detrimental effects to fuel pumps, injectors catalytic converters or particulate filters.
Fuel Doctor will stabilise and extend fuel storage life for up to twenty four months for petrol and five years for diesel.
Treats up to 20,000 litres. Initially pump or drain free water or microbial sludge from tank bottom, treat at 500mls fuel doctor per 100 litres tank capacity and refill to maximum level, subsequent at 250mls per 100 litres followed by 125mls per 100 litres, minimum maintenance treat is 50mls per 100 litres for working craft and 100 mls per 100 liters for pleasure craft. NOTE: Severe contamination may require several shock treatments
Specialist fuel tank cleaning
Fuel Doctors specialise in fuel tank cleaning, established in 1994, our initial focus was the cleaning of underground fuel tanks for emergency power generators in the high-rise buildings of Brisbane’s central business district, the next phase of our business included the de-sludging and cleaning of underground tanks in service stations, truck stops and marinas.
Underground, emergency power generator fuel tanks have a man way access for cleaning, service stations, truck stops and marinas do not, consequently Fuel Doctors had to develop a new system of cleaning, leading to the in-house formulation of Fuel Doctor fuel conditioner/tank cleaner, that we use as a tool of trade in conjunction with filtration and centrifuges to clean inaccessible fuel tanks.
The cleaning of Inaccessible fuel tanks in emergency generators, boats, earthmoving equipment and agricultural machinery over the past twenty-four years has kept us abreast of Australia’s ever-changing fuel quality, whilst providing the hands-on research and development necessary to ensure Fuel Doctor Fuel Conditioner meets the needs of all fuel consumers.