Product Details

Lubriplate RCO-68-FG ISO Grade 68, Polyalphaolefin (PAO)-Based Synthetic oil

SKU: Category: Industrial Greases

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LUBRIPLATE RCO-68 FG is recommended for use in refrigeration compressor systems where an NSF International H-1 Registered* food machinery lubricant is required. LUBRIPLATE RCO-68 FG is a 100% synthetic fluid. It is manufactured only with ingredients that comply with FDA 21 CFR 178.3570 and FDA 21 CFR 172.882. LUBRIPLATE RCO-68 FG is recommended for CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) and HCFC (hydro chlorofluorocarbon) refrigerants such as R-717, R-11, R-12, R-13, R-113, R-114, R-115, R-22, R-123, R-141b, R-500, R-501 and R-502 or where ammonia is used as the coolant. It is not recommended for use with HFC (hydroflurocarbon) refrigerants such as HFC-134a. HFC’s are more commonly recognized as freons.


Fluid Type: mineral

ISO Grade: 68

Food Grade – NSF H1: Yes

SAE No.: 30

Available Sizes

5 gallon pail

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